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Live from your Light

Retreat in Ireland West

May 10th to 12th 2024 Residential Retreat

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We are being offered choice points to live your uniqueness, love, passion, and life possibilities, or stay in an old habitual story of self and the world. The external news and media point to the latter, while each one's heartbeat and breath calls to the former.

There is an overflow of good and grace and light available to you in these pivotal times.

   Take the time to talk, think, and process all possible for you in one-to-one soul coaching, by booking this 'Live from you Light' retreat. 

Mary Berkery and her team offer heart-centered, body-aware, thought-provoking healing space in this upcoming retreat. The aim is to explore and expand your potential, courage, life possibilities, and love of self and others.

You are amazing, let's live it.



Saved by a Horse
Stories of love healing and human transformation through horses


A personal story of finding healing in the presence and relationships with horses. Mary Berkery facilitates such experiences for individuals, helping them embody the love, power, and present-moment attention that these majestic creatures offer, thereby expanding our human potential, courage, and awakening.

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